Frequently asked questions.

What services do you provide in Dubai’s real estate market ?

I offer a range of services, including property leasing, market analysis, and real estate consultations. My goal is to provide personalized assistance to clients navigating the real estate market.

How can I contact you for your real estate services ?

You can reach out to me by email or phone. Feel free to visit my contact page on my website for contact details.

What is your area of expertise ?

My expertise lies in the local real estate market, specializing in property purchases and sales, helping clients make informed decisions, and offering tailored recommendations based on their needs.

Are your services available for individuals and businesses?

Yes, I serve both individuals and businesses seeking real estate solutions, whether it's finding a new home or their investment properties.

How does the property leasing process work when I engage your services?

The leasing process typically involves property search, viewing, documentation, and agreement. I will guide you through each step and provide valuable insights.

What types of properties can I lease through your services?

I can help you find various residential properties, including apartments, villas, and studios, for both short-term and long-term leasing.

Can clients trust the accuracy of property information and pricing on your listings ?

I prioritize maintaining accurate property information and pricing on my listings to be a trusted resource for my clients.

How much percentage of increase is there in Dubai's Real Estate each year ?

Real estate price increases in Dubai can vary from year to year. While it's experienced significant growth in the past, it's important to note that real estate markets are influenced by various factors, and annual increases are not fixed.

Dubai is popular; will Abu Dhabi follow the same trend in the future?

While Dubai has been a real estate hotspot, Abu Dhabi is also developing its real estate market. Both emirates have their unique offerings. The future popularity of Abu Dhabi depends on various factors, including government policies and economic growth.

How can you obtain a residency visa in Dubai?

Dubai offers various residency visas, including investor visas. Initially, many are temporary, but they can become long-term or permanent based on specific criteria, such as property investments or business ownership.

can you get loans in Dubai, and how does the system work there?

Loans can be obtained through local and international banks in Dubai. The loan application process typically involves providing financial documentation, and terms can vary based on factors like the lender's policies and the type of loan.

How does a down payment work, and is there a fixed percentage ?

Down payment percentages can vary but are often around 20-30% for expatriates buying property in Dubai. The specific percentage can depend on the property's value and the lender's policies.

My question is not answered in full, What do i do now?

If you have any other questions or need elaboration on a question, contact me via one of the contact options.